DE88ROX wrote:
rbpru wrote:
There are all sorts of elixirs that will remove mold and dirt.
However my problem is as soon as I roll it up and we have a rain; dirt and water seep into the end of the roll. Then the grime settles to the bottom of each layer and when I unroll it, those lovely bands of grime are there to greet me.
A dry summer is not too bad but a wet spring or fall and I ignore it. I gives just as much shade clean or dirty.
I have the same problem. That's why whenever I return from a trip, I hose of as much as I can, let it dry and roll it up. When I bring the TT home to prep for another outing, thats when I usually give the trailer a nice bath as well as the awning. Everything is nice and clean for camping.
This is EXACTLY why the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works so well. Yes, it take a little effort to use it and clean the awning. But if you take the effort, mold and black DOES not come back. I've made it through several winters now, left outside in Indiana weather, to open in the Spring and it's clean. It might be wet, but it's clean!
Use the eraser in the Sprint and use it again in the Fall. The chemical on the eraser that is left behind will keep mold at bay. But, if it's too much work to do, then the other option is just to deal with reoccurring mold all the time.