Dec-31-2021 06:11 PM
Jan-01-2022 04:28 PM
Jan-01-2022 12:46 PM
kcgaz wrote:Not off hand. I have always weighed mine when it counts. Loaded for a trip. Cat scales are at many truck stops. Fuel and weigh all at once.
Huntindog, I have not weighed it. I see you are in Phoenix too, do you know of places near Scottsdale to weigh it? Thanks Mike134, that helps knowing that it shouldn't damage my tires!
Jan-01-2022 12:41 PM
Jan-01-2022 08:54 AM
Jan-01-2022 04:13 AM
Jan-01-2022 03:04 AM
kcgaz wrote:Have you weighed it? All of your symptoms from the bearing failure to the no cambered axles, point to overloading at some point.
Yes, both axles are 3500 lbs. and the arch on the new axle is high and in the center. I only had to replace one and the old axle does not have any arch. Is it possible that the arch has flattened out that much or do they sell straight axles?
Dec-31-2021 07:09 PM
Dec-31-2021 06:30 PM
Dec-31-2021 06:25 PM