SoundGuy wrote:
BillyW wrote:
I'm also intrigued with the Azdel product for the walls, but I won't sacrifice the floor plan or other features I want just for that. Good preventive maintenance will render it mostly meaningless too.
Easy to pontificate and say it won't happen to you but the reality is leaks can happen to anyone, regardless of how they may think they're carefully maintaining their trailer. Our brand new Freedom Express sprung a fairly significant leak that showed up during a torrential downpour on it's second trip out. For the life of me I couldn't see how any way water could be getting inside the trailer, but it did. The problem was later solved at the dealership by a reapplication of all the side wall seams with clear ProFlex ... but at no time could any one of us actually see where this water may have gotten in.
Indeed leaks can happen. I was proactive with my trailer when it was new, and used Eternabond along the entire roof edges and other square roof fittings, verified that the Dicor was good on the others, then used a quality caulk on every vertical surface cutout, from the lights, to the doors, windows and corner moldings. My brand had a terrible reputation for leaks, yet mine has remained dry inside for many years of living outside. OK, I'm off my stump. No more pontificating... :)