Bumpyroad wrote:
While pumping the pink through it doesn’t mix with the water much at all… it pushes the water through and clear runs out the tap until the pink arrives… the percentage of dilution is miniscule and not much of a problem…
I added another ounce of water to my witches brew making it 2 oz. water to 4 oz AF and this am it was just slush. so a "miniscule" dilution doesn't scare me a bit.
Good to hear… thanks…
Ya… even if you got it cold enough to freeze solid one of the things the AF does is to reduce the expansion rate, and I believe the -100 AF eliminates expansion all together…
I tried to blow out the lines one time then waited a couple of days to blow it out again and was amazed by how much water came out the second time…
Now I am not talking enough to boil your eggs but enough to fill a fitting or two and more than enough to cause problems if settled in the right spot…
Air only works most of the time, but you never know until after the one time it don’t… but then with human nature being what it is, how many are going to come back and admit it… only a few but a very few…
This is no different than the post a few weeks ago where someone’s roof was permanently bowed down and ruined due to heavy snow load… the many that always preach that it is never a problem and to not worry about it and use as an example and proof that the dealers never clean the snow load off… they all somehow missed that thread…