Forum Discussion

Farmerjon's avatar
Sep 16, 2013

Bumped into several TCers this week.

We escaped for a few days this week and went to
Treasure Lake RV Resort in Branson MO. It is only 80 miles away from us. So it is a quick "get away" for us. While we were there we saw another Truck Camper, they are rare around here, so while walking our dogs we stopped by and said howdy.
And then as we were returning from walking our dogs we saw someone pull up to our campsite in a car and as we walked up he introduced himself and asked us questions about what it is like pulling the jeep as a toad behind the TC.
I asked him if he ever visited and it turns out he is countrycampers3 and he put together the Midwest Truck Camper rally.
We enjoyed visiting with him and his wife and their very well behaved little girl. and we got the grand tour of their flatbed mounted NorthStar Arrow . A very nice rig.
That night we went to one of the shows in Branson and the couple sitting next to us were from Illinois and were staying in their Northern lite camper and the next day we had a nice visit with them and the grand tour of their camper, We were curious about the clam shell construction. A very nice camper and they carry their 1976 MGB in an enclosed trailer behind them.
And we saw a couple of Tcs on the way down and back up.
We don't normally see Truck Campers.
  • We live in the KC area and there are some huge RV dealers in the area. None of them are TC dealers. I think it is a shame that such a versitile camper is not sold in this area where a lot of folks have other types of campers. Not sure what the reason is. I think more folks would opt for a TC if the dealers in the area carried them. Looks like a missed opportunity to me.

    Big Rig
  • While camping over labor day weekend at Eagle creek sp at lake Shelbyville, There were 6 tc's there, 3x's more than I've ever seen in the 18 years I've been camping there.
  • We ran I35 from near the Iowa border all the way to Arkansas and saw at least 6 TCs. 3 of them were older models on older trucks pulling enclosed trailers with dragsters. All were heading north.
  • I was wondering where Doug (countrycampers3) was going after he left Basswoods Resort at Platte City, MO the weekend before last. He said he was scouting around looking at possible future sites to hold Mid-West Truck Camper Rally's.
  • Hopefully a good trend. Maybe more people are getting TC's.
    Hope so.
  • so your the ones with the starcraft I seen you running around Branson I too met countrycampers3, I read about his tc on truckcamper magazine and had comented about it to my gf the day before, then on my way to her house seen it at grand country and the next night pulling into the campground that I have my 5th wheel in they were there checking out the campground looking to maybe do a rally here in branson!!
    you saw me too but not in my tc I was at work driving a dukw