Forum Discussion

popeyemth's avatar
May 31, 2013

Camper Hold-Downs

Our new to us Shadow Cruiser came with 4 of these spring filled mounts and the forward frame cross member and rear bumper mount.
Can some one tell me the correct way to set the spring tension on these?
Unable to ask the former owner and don't know anyone with them.
Got the frame crossmember on today- WHEW. That was a full day to wire brush paint and mount!
PS this is the correct way to mount-with the nut at bottom?
  • Pop
    About 25 yrs ago I gave up on store-bought tie-downs and thought outside the box. I ended using braide nylon line 5/8 inch dia 1/2 would work
    I used 35 inches of straight line with a couple bowlune knots and a rurnbuckle to tighten the wole thing up. braided nylon has aprox 10% stretch and seems to work as well as any spring tie-down Same set up on my 87 BF, beach buggy and
    my 2001 BF travel buggy
    Good luck with what ever you choose
    92 Dodge 3500/cummins 4WD ext cab 87BF
    2001 F550 7.3 2/w dr Custom built o the 158" flat bed
  • Sorry popeyemth. I have no idea about the straps. Both my TCs had jacks which only went up and down and did not swivel.
  • KANSASBOB wrote:

    Yes that is the correct way to mount them.

    Yikes! I had hold down dyslexia! Up side down in the photo for sure. "Sigh"
  • Ridesabout, closer inspection of the linked pics proves you are right!
    Do you have any insight as to where to get the straps that hold the jacks when swiveled up to travel position?
  • Look at the picture shown in tha link listed above. Compare it to the picture you posted. It looks, to me, like you have wrong end attached to the camper. I ran mine that way for a long time but now have them with the threaded end attached to the camper--I use the Qwik Loads which make the task of tieing camper down much easier. I called Happijac Technical service to discuss this you may want to call them yourself.
  • i have a follow up question:
    the "socket" that the jack tubes go in when swivelled up for travel are missing on our camper.
    someone suggested a pipe hanger strap but the arms are too short.
    any other suggestions?
  • I have a link if I can find it.......but the long stainless tube goes in front, and you crank it down 1/4 inch from no pressure, there is a spring inside. The short stainless tube goes in back, and is just tightened to snug, there is only a rubber bushing inside.

    Yes that is the correct way to mount them.