If you remove your camper a lot one option is these:
Snap padsThe disadvantage is you will be a bit more likely to drag a jack going through ditches and stuff. ( Don’t ask me how I know about doing that in an AF1150)
One thing we use is the orange “caps” for the “Lego”levelers. Little story. We had the camper sitting on the pads on a concrete driveway. It was backing up to line up the truck with the camper before raising up the camper. We have a flat cargo carrier in the back hitch (carry a screen room and an outdoor mat in it). My wife was watching but “zoned out” for a moment and I went to far. The carrier hit the rubber stops on the camper. The camper just slid an inch back on the Orange caps. No damage, nothing bent, and we raised it up and loaded it.