Don't recall ever having stopped overnight at a Walmart, although our local Walmart/Sam's looks like an RV park during the height of the season. They're parked further out in the lot, no chairs or awnings, would not open bunkends....don't understand the "Garden Shop" thing and have never heard it in 9 hears hanging around here. Most of the overnighters camp closer to the Sam's end, under lights and usually clustered. Ours has 24-hour security. Camping World has some that allow overnighting....check first. Also, some state rest stops welcome overnighters and usually have signs posted noting 24-hour security. Flying J/Pilot/Love's, most anywhere truckers overnight, should be ok, but check first. Low key is the issue. You're NOT camping, you're stopping overnight to sleep. BTW, as a general rule, it's appreciated if you do a bit of shopping wherever you stop. Our CW stops usually cost us more than a CG would, but we need most of it anyway.