OK, "Butch" in my post I never singled you out for any criticism, no one in fact, just stated the facts as I see them. Nowhere did I say EVERYONE should think as I do, nor do I believe that way. I'm with you if you've got it and want to spend it on whatever and you're not hurting anyone else and it makes you happy then by all means go for it! I could personally care less about your finances, none of anyone's business, but it would appear you might just have a tiny problem inside yourself somewhere that's a little over sensitive to even the slightest hint, even if unintended as my comment was, of criticism. But that's your personal problem not mine. Oh,paaaleeezzze just grow up and move on. As for funding, well congrats on you good job and all the perks and your hard time. Don't look down your nose on me or mine as I've been right in there with my DH of 46 years as he's worked till his hands literally cracked open and bled, lost 4 disintegrated vertebrae in his back, calloused his knees and been thru fristbite and heat stroke right up to his present age of 72, working in our own business, paying all the taxes that company owners, small like us especially, pay for employees to earn what we have. If a person works at anything and does it well they have earned whatever they have been able to save. Not everyone has the same challenges in life and business so power to you and enjoy what you've obviously earned and get off my case and that of others like me. Thanks for the defense from other forum members public and private and as you can see, I'm well equipped thru life's experiences here on the "po" side of working stiffs to defend myself as if what's said here is going to be of any concern to me in what remains of my life. LOL people are so darned entertaining. Good morning all!