Forum Discussion

lincolnmatthews's avatar
Apr 28, 2017

CO2/Propane alarms gone off twice since we bought camper

Purchased out now 3 yr old Lance 1181 in Jan of this year. Once while plugged into an extension cord along it went off, I figured it was an low voltage issue as the power had been off for a day or so.
Then this last weekend while out plugged into power at a park the alarm went off in the middle of the day for no apparent reason, (no propane smell, been in & out several times etc. So I pulled the fuse & we slept with more than one window cracked open that night.
Of course its mounted down by the floor by the step to go overhead & the fridge is right there, but shouldn't be an issue unless ??
I believe its made by Safe T, do these things go bad? I wouldn't think in a 3 yr old camper. My RV dealer said that if someone used some spray cleaner at some point that this could cause them to **** out. Just hate to spend a $100 at this point for a new one just to see if this solves the problem.
Anybody ever had a similar problem with there's? Might add that the batteries are stored in an outside compartment not in the steps like my last Lance, anyway thanks for any ideas!