Weight is about 20lbs. I will put a rail on the table side. Nothing needed in the front lots of room there
So far it is working pretty good. I think I will go to a bigger roof thimble. The temp on the chimney gets a little higher then I like.
I have only had 2 fires in since I put it in. Hopefully I'll get a good fire going tonight after work. Trying to burn it as much as possible to work out any bugs. It's was only -10c last night, so it's hard to get a good idea of how well it will heat the space.
In the second pic I had it burning charcoal. We are trying lots of different brands to see what works best. So far Kingsford seems to burn really long, but leaves a pile of ash (not buying that again). One of the other brands we tried left behind almost nothing. I burned it all day long on Saturday and only had about 1/2" of ash in the bottom.