shepstone wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
1jeep wrote:
according to this it is the 68rfe
and yes I would expect a medium duty tranny in a dually, I am trying to make a deal on a truck that is in the dealer stock without ordering one. If I do order a truck I might just go back to ford, but I am open to either brand. Stock on the 1 ton dually trucks in new England is very slim!
Truck and RV in pic weighed 28-29K and most of the 65K miles were towing. Truck was 2011 HO Dually 68RFE with 3:42's ZERO problems.
Only issue was taking off from a start on a grade. Same truck with 4:10's would have cured that one problem.

Hey Cummins how does the Aisin shift compared to the older one? Firmer / softer? Same shift points?
It for sure gets the load rolling easier, it's like having a granny first gear. I know the 4:10's make some difference but I have driven my Son's 3500 SRW Aisin with at lease 18K dump trailer in tow and it took off real easy also.
As far as the shifting the Aisin does not stay unlocked near as long when shifting and a lot of the time it feels like it goes locked to locked but is not a slam. The shifts are firm and positive. I honestly did not have a problem with how the 68RFE shifted but I REALLY like how this one does. After owning both I would recommend the Aisin and the extra HP/TQ.
I would also recommend the Aisin/3:42's towing up to 24K combined or so. Any heavier 4:10's and skip the 3:73's because the 3:42's in 5th are the same RPM's as the 4:10's in 6th 1,750 @ 60mph.