Forum Discussion

bstar1952's avatar
Feb 28, 2020

Digital Thermostat Cuts on AC During Freezing Weather

Wondering if anyone else has seen this issue. Last night, we had a deep freeze down here in South Texas. The freeze caused our electric service to *blink*. This happened about 5:00 am. When letting the dogs out an hour later, I heard my TT's AC unit running. I have an RV port and the TT was winterized but I keep it plugged in. Only way, that I can figure, for the AC to come on all by itself, is a glitch with the Dometic digital thermostat during electrical fluxes. Since we don't experience many freeze nights, hard to replicate. Anyone else had this happen?
On a side note, I was wondering if this harmed my AC unit, can't be good to have an AC running in 27 degree weather? (Not for sure if the compressor was running or just the fan.) As I don't really like the digital therm anyway,I'm considering replacing it with an old style analog one. If anyone has done this, easy job? Cheers........