Forum Discussion

ryanw821's avatar
Jul 22, 2015

First real trip out with solar panel

SoloPower SP1-85 85Watt flexible solar panel wired into MPPT Tracer 2210RN charge controller into an Interstate 80ah battery (came with the camper, do have plans for upgrade probably next season). Link to my install.
So far I am still just using the terrible battery gauge on the factory "monitor panel", I still need to get a proper ammeter or the LCD meter panel for my charge controller to get some real data, so this is a fairly poor unscientific test.

Anyways the results on our first real test of the system, 3 nights camped (with maybe an hour or so of direct sunlight around noon hour, shaded the rest of the day), and we did nothing to try and conserve power, vortex vent fan ran 24/7 (it was in the upper 80's, so it needed to), we charged our laptop and cell phones at least once a day, and 1 shower a day plus normal sink/toilet usage of the water pump. We would be down to the 1/3 mark on the battery after my morning shower, and by the end of the day we would be back up to full on the meter, though the charge controller never entered "float" mode, so I doubt we ever got a real FULL charge.
In contrast to our last 3 night trip with no solar panel, and similar usage we drained the battery so low that the meter said E and it had dropped so low that the "automatic" fridge was no longer running on LP, which I have to imagine means it got pretty dang low (likely battery damaging low), we ended up just packing up and leaving early that day since we had run out of power, and other than running the tow vehicle with the 7-pin tow cable, we had no way to recharge.

All in all I am super happy I invested the (fairly minimal in my opinion) money in this setup, it is performing even better than I had hoped for.