I am really intrigued by the possibility of using solar energy to recharge our batteries. I realize that camping in Michigan won't always offer the most sunlight but if the panel(s) are movable I'd think you may be able to capture enough sunlight.
We go on a fly-in fishing trip to Ontario every year and they have installed solar panels in their bush cabins. They just use one deep-cycle 12-volt battery and always provide enough power run the CFL lights for a couple hours in the evening plus recharge small electronics (GPS, camera batteries, etc.)
I'm assuming that the water pump would be the main energy usage in a travel trailer(?) Any idea how long a deep-cycle battery might last with conservative water usage? Are there other power-users I'm not yet aware of?
Right now, a *long* trip for us would be 9-10 days. Due to work schedules we more commonly camp 3-4 days at a time.