Forum Discussion

Center97's avatar
Jan 12, 2015

Flooded partial bathroom

A year ago or so, I was flushing out the black tank with a hose through the toilet, when I had left the water on too long around the 3rd time flushing it out and heard water coming out the back corner where the bathroom is. The water was pouring out of the toilet. I pulled the black handle to drain the water out. All that got wet was around the toilet and the back/side wall where the toilet is. I'm curious if I'll have rot/ mildew damage? My camper is a 2012 jayco. I have linoleum floors and a covered underbelly.
  • I had a very similar situation happen to me and I was paranoid of the mold and unsanitary issues. I caught my mistake quickly (within a few seconds) and avoided a big spill. I mopped up the water, cleaned the entire area with a bleach cleaner and had the fan blowing for several days. It also helped that it was summer time and the sunny 80*F days hopefully helped dry things out. I continued to check under the cabinets, sink and under the tub through the plumbing access door to make sure everything was alright. Like already mentioned, since it was a one time spill and you got the water up quickly, you should be ok, but I would continue to keep an eye on the area if you can.
  • I appreciate the input. I was also worried about the insulation being saturated and causing mold issues from it not being able to dry out completely if at all in the underbelly.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    Doesn't sound like mold would be a problem. It was such a quick event. Unless there's some leak in the area, then it's probably dried out by now.
  • You're probably fine. Sounds like the amount of water was minimal and if you were on your third flush, probably relatively clean. If it was a year or so ago, you'd probably have felt a soft spot by now.
  • Based on your description if it was mine I'd mop up the spill and go on with life.
  • Years ago a neighbor knocked on our door about 6 am. I got up, stepped into water. The neighbor was knocking because he saw water flowing out the door. A water line connection had come loose and flooded the whole trailer. I'll have to admit I just dried it out and never smelled anything or saw anything come loose so went on with camping and life and kept that trailer for several more years. Who knows--I didn't know any better--
  • About a year ago a member here had the same thing happen and his ins. company totaled it. Probably because there's no way to ever make sure it's clean and toxic mold doesn't start.