Golden_HVAC wrote:
Have you installed a water coolant filter on your truck yet? It really helps the longevity of the 6L and 6.4L Diesels. It will help any vehicle, and I put one on my motorhome when it was new in 97, even though it has a 460" gas engine.
Napa part # FIL 4070 is the filter, and FIL 4019 is the filter holder that connects into the heater hose lines. Some have added a 3/8" close coupled ball valve, so they do not lose any coolant while changing the filters. I put mine just behind the bumper, where I can put a 5 gallon bucket to catch any excess water leak while changing the filter.
By keeping the filter clean, then the minerals are not being pumped around the system, sticking to the radiator or oil cooler, and will lead to a much longer water pump life, no need to clean out the radiator, or change the coolant every few years.
In the 6L and 6.4L diesels, clogged oil coolers can lead to water getting into the engine, causing a $15,000 engine replacement. You don't want that. The water filter prevents the clogs, and solves the problem.
Fred, great advise. I'm researching filter systems now. Thank you.