Cummins12V98 wrote:
MFL wrote:
Agree^^^^I would not put the 18s on the DRW.
If I understand he wants to remove his 6 tires/wheels on the DRW and install the 4 tires/wheels from the SRW for the winter. As long as nothing rubs what is the problem???
Other than a new $60k truck looking like a clown show? Nothing at all.
If you are being budget minded and want better snow performance, get the tires (OE pavement pounders I presume) siped and run as low of air pressure as you can get away with, empty. Siped tires, 20-25psi in the rear and whatever you the tires will hold in the front. Worst case of the tires are still too squirrelly in back, ditch the inside tire to get more ground pressure without it looking like a freak show.