Forum Discussion

Joe_Williams's avatar
Oct 07, 2016

Fresh Water Tank Replacement Question

Long time reader, first time poster. I have a Gulf Stream bumper pull 23.5' trailer. Went to dry camp over the weekend, so I needed to fill the fresh water tank. Apparently the valve broke on it, so it wasn't able to hold water at all. I was able to get through the weekend thanks to an extra hose I coincidentally made for another project and a 5 gallon water jug.

Question is:

Is it difficult to replace the tank or valve? I know there are several sensors and such. I am pretty mechanical, so that shouldn't play into it, it's just a matter of the sensors, attachment points also.

Thanks in advance!
  • As others have said simple job - 5 minutes. And the part is cheap. Probably find it on Amazon for less than $3. If you have camping world nearby:
  • I replaced mine with a brass 1/2" threaded ball valve. Works so much better than the cheap plastic original.
  • Joe Williams wrote:
    Sorry. The drain valve

    I just replaced my drain valve. The handle cracked, therefore, I couldn't keep it closed! It was very easy. Once I took mine off my trailer, I looked on line for a similar fit. I could have (and probably should have) bought a heavy duty one, but I was in hurry for my next camp trip, so I bought the CAMCO one that was the exact replacement.

    It was an easy job! Good Luck! :)
  • mike-s wrote:
    Unscrew it, take it to Home Depot, get another which fits. Or take it to an RV dealer and pay 5 times as much for the same thing.

    This same thing applies to marine or airplane or motorcycle or equine related things. If you buy them at specialty places. Often times you can find a workaround for much less if you put your mind to it.
  • Unscrew it, take it to Home Depot, get another which fits. Or take it to an RV dealer and pay 5 times as much for the same thing.
  • You should be able to unscrew it and replace with a standard threaded 1/2" or 3/4" ball valve or boiler valve.
  • What valve? The fill valve, if it has one, or the drain? Both just simple replacement.