Forum Discussion

djtkach's avatar
Jun 18, 2014

Fridge not working maybe

Just fired the TT up for the first trip of the season. Freezer is cold within moments, but the fridge section not so much. Two hours later, same state.

Unit is a Norcold...does anyone know if the top and bottom are separate units from a refrigerant perspective? Any suggestions on diagnostic steps? Thanks!
  • I had the same issue with a new norcold in my new trailer. I picked it up in California and it was 110 out. The fridge took 24 hours to start to get cold. An RV repairman in the campground told me this was normal. No issues a week later.
  • I have found that the increase of gray hair subtracts from memory cells.
  • Thanks all - it appears patience is a virtue and I'm lacking, as everything is fine this am. I honestly thought from prior years that I had some noticeable cooling in the fins after a couple hours, but perhaps the memory is fading now that the grey hair has started to dominate. Time to buy a fridge thermometer in any case.
  • An absorption fridge will chill the freezer first then begin working on the fridge box. Allow at least 24 hours with it plugged in before becoming concerned. A fridge thermometer is always a handy thing to have. I purchased an indoor/outdoor thermometer from Camping World for about $18. The readout mounts anywhere in the coach...I mounted mine right above the fridge. Placed both sensors in the fridge, one in the freezer, the other in the box. Can see the temps without opening the doors. Everytime you open the door plan on loosing about two to four degrees. Make sure your fans are working at the back of the fridge....good luck....Dennis
  • The best way to know is to get a fridge thermometer.

    At times I would swear that my fridge doesn't seem cold...until I pull out items that are almost frozen.
  • Thanks for quick replies! Fridge is from 08, TT is level and on shore power. Glad to hear the two are same cooling unit as that is a good sign, but usually can feel some cool on the fins in the fridge after a couple hours even though it takes a long run to get cold for sure (hence the pre-weekend start today). Will see what tomorrow brings - wish me luck!
  • What you describe sounds normal to me. If the non-freezer hasn't cooled down much by tomorrow, then you have a problem. In hot weather, I turn mine on 48 hours before putting any food in. (And that would be already refrigerated food.)
  • Forgot to ask or mention. My fridge has a plastic sliding piece inside the fridge on the fins. It's to set the temp. Not sure if yours has that but check that it's still placed on the fins.
  • I'd give it a lot more time before I got concerned. At least overnight.
  • How old is the unit? For reference I've seen my fridge take 12hours + to get down to temp but it always does. Also I'd assume your trailer is setup level during this pre-test?

    To your ask, no the top and bottom are not typically separate units.