Forum Discussion

terrybk's avatar
Aug 11, 2022

Happijack Swing Out Bolt Removal?

One of the bolts on my Happijack swing out arms is starting to stick. It's the bolt where you push up on the nut at the bottom so you can rotate it the jack. I need to get in there and clean it out.

I tried just using a wrench but felt I was putting a ton of strain on the fingers at the top and maybe there was a better way to hold the bolt while I crank off the nut.

I called Happijack and they had no idea how to get the nut off (it's a locking nut.) So I figured I'd ask the smart kids and see if anyone knows. Otherwise I will use some of the tried and true methods! :)

Anyone know of a particular method to get it off short of heat, vice grips and manly brute force?

  • If it's a carriage type bolt and you can turn a few threads, can you tap the bolt outward until it is stopped by the nut or washer and nut? That will give you some more surface area in which to apply another wrench ( clamping jaw type) to keep it from turning. Even 1/8" can make a difference since your biting into the edges and not the domed top.
  • Yeah I do but unless I can hold the bolt it will just spin.
  • Do you have an impact gun? Usually an impact will pull a nut off a shaft without spinning the shaft.

  • I might try and hold it from the top. There might be enough room to get vice grips down by the spring and nut too.

    And to Bigfootgrey, I did start with PB Blaster and it did free it up some but it still sticks.
  • wnjj's avatar
    Explorer II
    I don’t have these but from pictures it looks like the top of the bolt is round? Try a small pipe wrench. If you’re concerned about stressing the fingers, press and hold the bolt up to disengage the fingers when wrenching.

    Otherwise take the bracket off the camper and jack and try penetrating oil from the spring end with the bracket inverted.
  • It didn't. The issue is finding the best way to hold the bolt while I torque on the nut.
  • I would suggest trying a penetrating oil like PB Blaster first and see if that un sticks it