Forum Discussion

Draggo's avatar
Mar 20, 2018

Heartland Sundance 273RL


The time has come to get a new trailer and we are changing it up a little from the current bunk model and want to switch to a rear living unit with the additional chairs. I was at the dealer the other day and was looking at a Sundance 273RL. I'm not that familiar with Heartland products. Who has one and what can you say about it? Good? Bad? Specifically interested if you have the 273RL or similar layout.

  • I have a 2012 XLT 277 Sundance 5r. I can say this because I know a lot of Heartland owners as a member of the Heartland owners club and attending rally's with other owners. Some of us have had lots of issues and others have had no problems whatsoever. In my opinion its the luck of the draw. All manufacturers use the exact same appliances, most have the same frame manufacturer "Lippert" and all have under paid and fast paced assembly lines. That being said Heartland has a pretty good reputation for taking care of warranty issues. Once I got my issues taken care of, mine has been very reliable. Good luck on whatever you choose.
  • Not familiar with Heartland products but we do have a KZ Spree 323RLS which is almost the same floorplan. It has worked fine for us for almost 10 years. There is a couple of differences. It is 33 ft long which results in a little more interior room. Longer counter top and extra storage over head. It also has a double sink. The bath is a walk through with results with more useable space. The TV is also more aligned with the viewing area. If and when we get a new TT it will have the same basic plan except with slide out bed. KZ's new version of this plan looks good but it is a little longer than I prefer. One concern I would have with the Hearthland is the size of the black and gray tanks--seem small. Good luck on what ever you decide.
  • Draggo wrote:

    The time has come to get a new trailer and we are changing it up a little from the current bunk model and want to switch to a rear living unit with the additional chairs. I was at the dealer the other day and was looking at a Sundance 273RL. I'm not that familiar with Heartland products. Who has one and what can you say about it? Good? Bad? Specifically interested if you have the 273RL or similar layout.


    cant speak for the heartland but can on floor plan.. keep in mind everyone has different likes etc. thats why the different plans out there

    wife and i bought a 33 ft wildwood tt last summer. overall been extremely happy. zero problems.

    just she and i and 4 small dogs so didn't want bunks.

    ours is a rear kitchen, living room in middle, bathroom next and bedroom in front..

    we do like it but if we get another tt or fifth wheel in future it will be a rear living.

    #1 we both love windows in the back, seating in back.

    the rear kitchen ends up being a major traffic congestion for she and i. only 1 person fits there at a time. even though i do all the cooking. i would prefer middle area kitchen

    it took us several months of camping to figure out what we liked best.

    ive seen so tt's with 2 grey water tanks and 1 black tank have 2 seperate dump valves. not convenient. ours has a grey tank in rear kitchen area, grey tank in front for bathroom, and black tank up front. all are plumbed into 1 central dump valve.