Just thought i would write a bit of a long term update on the 140watt Kyocera solar panel. Have had it installed since April and it performs excellent, exceeding all my expectations. In full sun in the summer time the panel was able to recharge the batteries by about 930am from the previous evening/nights usage. Also in summer from around 1130-2pm i could see up to 8 amps charging. Even in cloudy conditions we could see about 1.5-3.5amps depending on how dark the skies were. Dark clouds with rain yielded about ~0.7 amps - pretty much nothing. Last week was our first time out using the furnace every night and far more power with extended use of lights etc. We were camping in a spot that was in full sun but here in october the sun is very low in the sky. The panel was still able to produce 4amps of power and get the batteries charged back up by the late afternoon each day but i could see where tilting them would produce better results. It still would not be worth the hassle to me though. The batteries remained fully charged throughout the 4 day trip.
Shade absolutely kills all charging, the only reason i would buy a 2nd panel is to mount it on a different place on the roof in case one panel is shaded by a tree, the other one may not be.
I can happily say that we did not once have to run the generator for battery charging during this entire camping season so we are very happy with the decision to install a solar panel.
Included is a photo from our camping trip last week, notice how low the sun is in the sky and still able to produce 4-4.5 amps. :)