Huntindog wrote:
dolbsss wrote:
Ok it shows the equalizer in 10,000, 12,000 and 14,000lb models. My trailer's dry hitch weight is 695lbs. The price difference between the 10k and 12k is only $30 but the jump up to the 14k is another $70 on top of the $30. In my situation it seems overkill for all 3 but will probably get the 12k because of the price value and potential to maybe go 32 ft TT in the future. Agreed?
I wear a size 12 shoe... Should I buy a size 14, in case I need that size later?
Size the spring bars to the load you have NOW.
What is the GVWR of your TT? Take that and figure 15% for TW. Buy the hitch that most closely matches the result.
Caveat: Some run heavier bars than that formula.. Usually They are compensating for their TVs weak suspension. This approach has some merit, but does not apply in your case.
I don't have suspension issues as you guessed. My only thoughts were that eventually I'm either going 5th wheel on the next camper or with a TT in the 8500lb ballpark. I won't want to upgrade WDH then if I could have spent $30 more now.