We ended up with two turkeys one Thanksgiving so one went in the parked RV for a Christmas dinner.
Needless to say a few weeks later we had a multiple day county wide outage and I forgot all about the Turkey in the fridge.
I used my 2KW generator to keep the house fridge going just fine and survived the power outage just fine running the generator a coupe of hours a day.
Then I was working out near the parked trailer which is next to the woods and started looking for the dead deer or some large animal in the woods. Finally stuck my head in the trailer and that is when the light went off in my head...
This was a 14-lb turkey...
I disassembled what I could on the fridge and opened up the doors after cleaning up all I could find. I tried several things local folks told to try (pure vinegar worked the best) and got rid of the smell pretty good but when you closed it up and opened the door a couple of days later the smell was still there to some degree.. Getting behind the panels on the inside of the fridge is where my smells was coming from... I even had an open bowl of WD40 sitting in there - would rather smell that than turkey hehe...
The I heard about coffee grounds and had a open container of this sitting in both areas of the fridge. I also kept newspapers wadded up all over the inside of the fridge. I changed out the newspapers and coffee grounds once a week. The newspaper trick really absorbs the smells great.
We are back to using the fridge now but still get a whiff of something when we first open the door. I imagine some of that is expecting to smell something hehe...
My problem was that the melted away 14lb turkey also ran down the front door and onto the floor. I had lots of areas to cleanup...
I guess running the fridge again with it getting cold again helped alot as well...
What a mess - geesch....
Check on-line google for what others have tried.. Lots of info there...
Roy Ken