Forum Discussion

usmcshepherd's avatar
Explorer II
Feb 22, 2017

Idaho Falls Area Camping Suggestions

We are looking to be in the Idaho Falls area during the month of July and are looking for recommendations from anyone who is familiar with the area on suggestions for camping areas. I'll be working out of the Idaho National Laboratories and will need to be within striking distance of that facility.

Secondly, we are planning on heading into Montana prior to or after our time in Idaho with Glacier National Park as our ultimate destination so any recommendations around Glacier would be appreciated as well.

  • I love the area NW of INL. Again, are you staying in the camper? Or just doing weekend excursions? Some thoughts follow:

    1) It has been really wet here this winter. There will be a bumper crop of mosquitos anywhere near water. That will include a bunch of river flats in the valleys to the north. I think the RV park in Arco is a great site to stay at if you need it for the month. Don't know the cost.

    2) Seek an opportunity for altitude. It really is cooler and temps drop quickly in the evening. One of my favorite spots is Meadow Lake, which is north of INL near Gilmore. 26 degrees at night on July 2nd! 9000 ft. Here is a pic:

    Get an Idaho Gazetteer or Delorme atlas and explore the NF campgrounds and BLM sites. Incredible scenery. Feel free to contact me for more info.
  • Depending where you will be at the Site, you might also check in Arco. There is KOA there, or you could put in some time at Craters of the Moon (dry camping there, though).
  • Are you staying in your RV while you will be working at INL? And will you be in town or out at the site? Reason I ask, if you are out on site, you might consider staying out in Arco. There is a KOA and Mountain View RV Park. In Idaho Falls, there is Snake River RV Park and Sunnyside Acres (lower rated than Snake River). Shadyrest Campground has become a camp for long-term migrant workers (not that that is bad, but, it's not really a campground anymore). "Targhee Inn and RV" was torn down in the past couple of years, and I wouldn't let anyone stay there, anyway. The Dad's Truck stop has some campsites, but it's noisy with trucks and is right on the interstate at the south end of town. South and North Tourist parks are city parks that offer free camping with a two week limit. North Tourist shouldn't be designated as a camping park; it's more of a wide spot in the road, wedged in with recycling bins at a very busy intersection. South Tourist is nicer (I take my dog swimming there), but there are transients who move into the park in the summer. There is a free RV dump there.

    I'm sure you know that Idaho Falls is only about 50 miles south of Island Park, 100 miles SW of West Yellowstone, 80 miles from Jackson and the Tetons, as well as being on the way to Glacier.
  • I've done a lot of camping in W Montana and parts of Idaho. Check out my 615 campsites map in my signature for some potential spots. The nearest I've camped to Atomic City, ID is about 60 miles away to the W. Been in lots of sites on the way to and around Glacier.

    Thanks for serving!! :)
  • There are a lot of National Forest and State Forests in the area between Idaho Falls and Northern Montana. I don't have a favorite, but most should have some space for boondocking.

    One thing to keep in mind is that Glacier is booked pretty tight in the park. Hopefully, you have reservations. Camping a outside the park with a short drive would be easier. Don't underestimate the number of Grizzlies in the area and read up on what that means.

    I don't know if you've thought about how to get around in Glacier, but one of the most popular roads is closed to vehicles like RVs. Your option is to take the shuttle, or pickup a rental in Kalispell or Missoula. I'm sure there have been other more detailed discussions about Glacier, so I'd search here including archives for details.