kilboar wrote:
Thank you,
I am running an outlet next to the TT now so no vehicles will be running it over.
By "live wire on the ground" I meant if a hurricane flipped the trailer over and cut the cord off but I suppose if thats the issue the power is already out or it throws the fuse at the breaker box so none issue.
If a hurricane comes along and flips your RV, electrical is the least of your worries. Most likely in that kind of horrific event, the electrical grid most likely will have been damaged enough and failed upstream that no power will be present at your trailers power cord at the time of the flip.
If your plug in box has been setup correctly, the worst that will happen is the breaker on your source will trip in the event the flipped trailer causes a short.
Worrying about nothing.
I would simply leave your rig plugged in 24/7, no need to unplug when you are not there.