Forum Discussion

thcguy12's avatar
Apr 30, 2015

Just bought first camper - lot of questions - can you help?

First off hello - we just bought a 1996 Thor Prism 2000 from a good friend - got a screaming deal on it for only $1500 (nada guide says about 4000 min). So we are very happy. I spent weeks scared and stressed about towing for my first time - drove it home last night and it was so easy. This week we are getting it ready, cleaned, decorated, and tuned up before we take it up to our mountain land where it will stay for the rest of it's life (unless we get a bug to go somewhere). We have 40 acres so it's not often we camp anywhere else.

I have some questions though - and am hoping you all can help:

1.) We discovered last night it came with a full HOLDING TANK. I think that is the poo tank right? Where can we go get that emptied and flushed out?
(we will not be using the restroom or any running water up at land - no hookups there).

2.) There are a few window seals that seem to have a tiny leak into the storage compartments below them. What do you suggest for sealing them - maybe some clear caulking?

3.) Now it did not come with any manuals so I need your help here. The previous owner says you simply hop on board - click the fridge to gas and the heater button on and everything starts working. I asked if you have to light a pilot outside and he said no. That doesn't seem right to me but maybe you all can lend some experience?

4.) What can a deep cell battery run on board? First I should let you know we plan to use same battery all summer without charging - then bring back and trickle charge all fall/winter? I know the basic lights for at night. What about a small stereo once every couple weekends (it came with a cassette player - ha ha)? What about some awning lights? Cell phone charger? A tv for playing dvd's? Disco dance ball? We will never have a way of plugging it in up there - wondering what we can get away with. Don't want to drain the battery in one night with friends.

5.) Will plugging the camper into your car and running your car charge the battery if it ran out?