dodge guy wrote:
Most of my post wasn`t directed directly at you. only the fact that most of the people saying they are useless haven`t used them. we`ve always had the same thoughts, except now on this LOL! hopefully that`s all we disagree on!
Nothing personal on my end! And I'm jealous of your V10, definitely not your air filter.:p
It's not that the oiled gauze filters don't capture dirt in their sticky mess. It's that after they get loaded with dust, tiny particles of sticky dust break away and get sucked into the engine. This might not cause a problem for our low revving street engines. It did cause problems for high revving NASCAR engines when those tiny particles stuck to cylinder walls leading to galling and catastrophic engine failures. Not all of them but if you're the lucky one, you'll be looking for answers and prevention.
I don't want to spend the time and money for a "kit" to wash my friggin' air filter and then sit around waiting for it to dry so I can take more time to re-oil it and then have to put grease around it so it will seal properly when I put it back in the housing. I haven't yet been convinced that there's a benefit to it. I prefer to buy a new one, drop it in and simply throw the old one away. But if you like having an oily lint screen for an air filter, by all means!:B