toedtoes wrote:
BizmarksMom wrote:
Holy mackarel! They are spending one night without air conditioning. When I was a kid, we spent weeks in a tent - where it got into the 90s. Yes, there was some complaining, but we all survived. Nobody got dehydrated. Nobody got heat stroke. We have all gone on to camp in our adult lives.
Some of you are talking like this will be the worst experience ever for the kids.
I think part of that was to the wording of the OP. The problem with forums is that you can only respond to what you read. The title "keeping cool while boondocking" and the desire to "run a couple fans" because it "will be warm" is subject to how each reader interprets "cool" and "warm". One person interprets warm as 100 degrees, another 70 degrees. One person interprets "keeping cool" as cooling the air another as moving the air around.
Also, as the majority of posters on this forum are middle age and above, they are subjecting their own ability to handle various temperatures to the situation.
I couldn't agree more. As the OP I will absolutely concede that terms like "warm" and "cool" and "hot" are relative. Which is exactly why I would expect that people would answer my question...which was do you have an advice for running a few fans while boondocking. Truly if people had stuck to that question than the purpose of the forum would have been served. That's the question I asked and it was the only question I had.
The problem is that some of the people (some answered my question very effectively) decided that it was important that I hear their opinion on everything from the size of my family to whether-or-not it was humane to boondock in warm weather with a large family.
It is completely illogical for anyone to argue that I should have given MORE information. I asked the exactly question I wanted answered. Period.
Furthermore, it is completely beyond my understand why any person in a forum such as this would take a rude and condescending tone. It certainly wasn't in response to a similar tone from me. Before I responded to any comments I was judged, talked down to, and insulted. It's part of the reason I didn't respond to the wrong assumptions that it was going to be sweltering (which still doesn't matter). I was taken aback by the way people were talking about my family and my choices. For crying outside I had my priorities questioned. Why on earth would it be anyone in this forum's job to question my priorities.
I can guarantee that my children have better manners than many of the people who responded to this post.
(I don't have a problem with your response Toedtoes...if this came across that way)