husk wrote:
NetAndDavid wrote:
I just put a set of Air Lift helper bags on my T.V. along with an onboard air compressor and I'm here to tell you that they are well worth the money. The actual install took about 2.5 hours, then another 1.5 to make everything hidden and all pretty like. Prior to the install my truck would sag about 2 inches with the trailer dry, now nothing. I hooked up after I finished set the bags to 75lbs and the aft end of my truck doesn't even look like there is anything on it. The air bags along with some after market tow mirrors, and we are ready for our cross country move this fall.
Do you have weight distribution bars or chains on your hitch?
I ask because I do have an equalizer, but still have some sag in the rear seems, no matter how much "lift" I put on the bars.
I wondered if air bags might be warranted in my case...I haven't seriously considered it because I thought the W/D system was supposed to put as much weight on the front as the rear......mine puts some weight on the front, but the rear is still lower..
I also have an Equalizer hitch. I just didn't feel comfortable driving cross country with that sagging. I ordered the set up for 350.00 from JC Whitney and wish I had done it a long time ago.