mom2countrykids wrote:
We have 5 kids at home so we will have the bunkhouse filled and overflowing. We have the coolest TV. We tow with a 15 passenger bus! That is my car. I love it!
Very cool. Congrats on getting the Premier. Our kids are 2, 4, 9, 11, 13 (almost) and our bunkhouse is their domain. Because we use the trundle bed a lot, the screws that hold the wheels seem to work themselves out over time. I've had to re-mount the wheels several times after the kids tell me one of them have fallen off. After the third time, I put some Liquid Nail glue around the screws, hoping that will hold them from becoming undone through vibration and use.
I'm curious about your 15-passenger bus :B. Would you mind posting pictures or giving some details about it? I've been researching full-size passenger vans to use as a tow vehicle and I think my wife is slowly warming to the idea :C.
On a side note, this morning I looked at the latest issue of Trailer Life (Sep 2011) and something caught my eye right away. I thought one of the pictures looked very familiar....

They have an article about outdoor kitchens and they used the one from the Premier as their opening shot:

That's very cool. I have to say that is the one feature that draws the most attention whenever we are RVing. People always have a comment or a question whenever they walk by. In fact, last week someone came from across the campground to ask questions about it and I ended up even giving them a tour inside.
Anyway, what I noticed in the picture in Trailer Life was that they had a different overhead cabinet door than the one that I have in my unit. Mine is a traditional side-by-side door instead of the pull-up style shown. Is anyone else's like that one in the article?
I would have to say that it was a design improvement because I once had a problem of forgetting to close the cabinet doors and then trying to close the kitchen door. It bent the hinges on the cabinet and also bent the frame on the outside door. Luckily, I realized the problem quickly before I did any permanent damage. Now I am always extra careful to make sure the cabinets are closed before I close up the kitchen.