Hiswar: That was a casualty of the Alaska Highway between Beaver Creek (just inside the Canadian border) and Destruction Bay in Canada. We were going 35mph and the frost heaves in the road made it bounce just enough to cause this to happen to the tongue. The welder that fixed us up in Whitehorse said that he sees about 6 or so trailers a year to fix a similar issue. Luckily this summer they have done a lot of road maintenance and have smoothed a lot of them out, but there are still a few to watch out for!
Hiswar wrote:
That looks sturdier that what I have on my old camper! Will try and steal and build upon your design. Was also wondering about something....double clicked on your picts and was transported to your flicker site. Saw the rest of your picts for the stabilizer mod, but stumbled into a pick of a collaped front frame of a camper...can’t help but ask goooooddddnesssss! What happened?
coobrey wrote:
Hiswar, here is the link to the part of the forum where I posted photos and a description. Over a year on now and they are still working great.
Hiswar wrote:
coobrey wrote:
I made my own stabilizers and they made a HUGE difference when we are all setup. With 4 people walking around it really firmed up the trailer. I was very impressed with how much it helped. I can't speak to the SteadFast ones personally, but the concept is great.
RainbowsEnd wrote:
A new season begins. Still have our original camper and still doing good. Our windows and doors haven't leaked again since the adjustments. We're seriously thinking about SteadyFast stabilizers. Is everyone still satisfied with them?
Would love to know how you did that.