Forum Discussion

ZeeLet50's avatar
Nov 05, 2017

Keystone must be out of their mind...rant.

Had my Passport elite front cap replaced due to water damage from a leaking roof seam. Bad design as the curved roof meets the front straight cap which causes two valleys on either side to hold water. So it was $1000 to replace the cap and Keystone wants $1000 for the front decal!!! My repair shop said no way and we are currently hunting out a local sign shop to make a duplicate. Hopefully that will only run a few hundred. I may also just go without.
BTW I was diligent in checking roof every 2 months and hitting it with Dicor but somehow I missed a crack and things just got bad from there. Once water got behind the front cap it delaminated and warped causing large (1/4") gaps in the sealant.
  • My cousin's 2014 Keystone Passport leaked up front as well. He bought the parts and rebuilt it himself. He replaced the decal with an American eagle decal. Nice interior but we've passed on Keystones with every purchase after looking them over. We even went back to stick and tin to avoid the possibility of delamination.
  • I just bought a 2018 Keystone Passport 2520RL Grand Tour Ultra Lite. Time will tell.....
  • I'd get a big yellow fruit decal to put on the front cap. Keystone makes junk. My Keystone Cougar's frame/kingpin broke on my then new 2010 RV.
  • Why give Keystone or any other RV manufacturer for that matter free advertising on their part and you get to pay $300 to $1000 for the privilege? If they refuse to provide "free" decals, either leave them off or as suggested create your own if you want decals on the cap.
  • When I had the cap of our last TT repainted, I just did away with the graphics. Gave it a nice clean look.
  • rexlion wrote:
    For much less than $1000 you can have a custom message applied to the cap. You could use a little creativity.
    "This piece of *&%# was built by Keystone", for example. ;)
    thats to funny there
  • For much less than $1000 you can have a custom message applied to the cap. You could use a little creativity.
    "This piece of *&%# was built by Keystone", for example. ;)
  • For a thousand bucks I wouldn’t even consider replacing the decal.
  • check ebay lots of keystone decals for 300 or less.
    Also check with a local tattoo school they can airbrush them on usually for a donation to the school.
  • We had our Outback (in my signature below) front cap repainted after we owned it almost 2 years. It was fading and began to look really bad. My dealer was magnificent working with Keystone and the end result was, Keystone agreed to pay for the cost of a new paint job (jell coat), but because there was nothing wrong with the graphics, would not pay to replace the graphics, since there was nothing wrong with them.

    Graphics cost us (if I remember right) a little over $1000 too. We went ahead and paid the price because we wanted the trailer kept as original as possible. We did debate about having nothing on the front.

    Well, the paint job has held up marvelous. The dealer took it to an independent shop for the work, and they said it would never fade again. The rest of the trailer would be deteriorated before the front cap would ever look bad again. It's been more than 2 years now, and the cap still look brand new.

    So yes, your experience with Keystone sounds about right.