CampinHappy wrote:
Well since I started this post and it's gotten a little off track let me tell my "debt" story. The wifey and I purchased our first trailer a used pop-up for $5,000 and yes we financed it for about 3 years. I was working and she was home working with three little man-cubs. In the 5 years we had it, we put in over 125 nights in it. By Dave Ramsey standards we should have never bought it, but by the memories my grown sons speak about it was the second best thing we bought.
Which brings me to trailer #2. We had moved to central Texas and both had teaching jobs. We didn't make much, but we knew we loved to camp. Basically we still couldn't afford it according to Dave, but we bought a 23K new KZ and financed it for 10 (oh yea) years so we could manage the monthly payments. In those 10 years we amassed over 400 nights (yes I keep a log). Since we both taught we used the trailer during the summer to help us manage volunteering with boy scouts and 4H, along with 3 boys and 2 dogs we would live in the trailer while at scout camp (except when my troop was there).
Our most cherished memories we paid interest on, and now as the boys are moving out my wife and are getting the ultimate reward...memories and smiles. We didn't do anything "stupid" and we always managed, but it was worth any interest I paid since I'm getting it back again.
I found out today we can finance the one we're looking at with 2.37% which budget wise doesn't make sense to pull out of my investments that are making more than 2.37...not much more, maybe 4%.
This trailers mission is to give me and the wifey "our" time together, and there's just enough room for some grandkids down the road to.
Blessings to all of you and I appreciate your advice...all of it :)
Very nice story, and happy for you, being able to manage responsibly, while enjoying life with a nice family.
Anyone looking at my profile, can see that I have expensive hobbies. My last 2 RVs, FWs were purchased new, but other previous were used. I have a cabin on a lake, less than an hour from my home, so don't need a huge RV too. I have purchased 33 motorcycles of all sorts, all but 2 were new. I've purchased a dozen new snowmobiles and one used one. At one time I had so many guns, I'd have to look at my insurance list to know what I had.
RVs, cycles, sleds all bad investments. Did it matter to me? No, enjoyed them, and my life. I never borrowed for toys, so avoided interest, and high insurance costs.
OP, get the trailer you want! Drive a day to get it, take a few items to sleep in it, drive home next day. I stayed in my last one 2 nights, before returning home.