I certainly take my OFF-ROAD POPUP off the major roads... One of my favorite spots up on the George Washington right on the VA/WVA mtn state line is fed by a forest service road and then I go a few hundred feet beyond that. Actually cross a rocky mtn stream with my truck and POPUP. Granted my trailer doesn't have any high walls on it. My other trailers I have worked with for outfitting off-road communication projects certainly have the thin walls and they are still doing just fine as well...
Here is photo of the mtn stream I have to cross to get the high point i like to setup my communications at using my POPUP trailer.... This is near a spot commonly called FLAGPOLE KNOB.

No prob Cincygus - It justs reminds me I should put more disclosure info in my posts I guess...
I certainly would not mount something that weighed 50 lbs plus using just MOLY BOLTS. The trick I have learned is to spread out the weight limits over a larger area. I used to use the spring loaded wing bolts alot but every time you remove the screw from them the spring nut would fall behind the wall. The MOLLY BOLTs are locked into position after they spread out behind the wall... You can remove the screw and the MOLLY BOLT stays in place. Pretty strong stuff for me to use.

Roy Ken