Follow up in the tie-downs ... The Lance camper dealership had two of the new Happi-jac front plates - according to him anyway.
They are different than the older design, but DO NOT fit the 2015 DC 2500HD ...
Although we "flattened the bend" ... we took out the crease an installed it. But we had to bore out the holes just a bit because it threaded holes did not line up exactly. Flattening it set the threads "off-line' just enough to force the bolt. But, the plate worked with "some hassles" ... if this is the new Happi-jac design, it needs some modifications in order to "bolt right in" ...
The rear 'tie-down' button - according to the diagram Happi-jac sent fits in the new bumper similar to the old one. But once I lined it up, it was directly in the center of the Plastic Insert" ... there is no metal in that bumper at that area -- ... SO, no way I was drilling out plastic and expect it to hold anything ...
Beneath the camper, as part of the hitch assembly, a round brace sits below the hitch itself. So, we installed a round pipe into the round brace, welded a face plate on to it, then formed a "U" shaped flat plate and ran it under the bumper and bent it again and that formed the upper edge of a face plate (the vertical face). Drilled a hole in that, and installed the hold-bolt ... Then, we slid the entire assembly into the round brace and drilled a hole through both - we had to drill at 45 degrees, because you can't reach above this brace "pipe" and installed a hitch-pin through the top and the cotter pin at the bottom. The entire assembly comes out just like a hitch ball - just pull the pin and slide it out.
It was time consuming - took about four hours total, but we were 'designing and measuring" on the fly kinda, so my guess would be if you have a diagram that works already, probably about two hours would do it ... cutting, bending, welding etc. We also welded two diagonals at the edge of the "U" plate because it turns out to be about seventeen inches total, so we wanted to make sure there was no play in it - and there isn't...
I have no clue how to post photos here - have never done it - and have no photo host site ... if anyone wants a drawing or photo of what we did, I have it from start to finish ... just PM me -- or, if anyone wants to post the photos here, I'll send and you can post it for others to see.
When I talked to Happi-jac, they did not know or think about this plastic bumper - so they have no answer at this time. Tork-lift does not have a rear set-up for the 2015 either, and as I look at it, I'm not positive the front will work either --- but I don't have one to check -- and won't take this any farther as far as looking at either one ...