The gooseneck horse trailer was when we had a horse drawn carriage business. The carriage would break down and get placed in the front half and then the door between them closed and the horse followed behind. But back when my wife and daughter were showing horses the bumper pull horse trailer some weekends did serve as the camper. Unless I dragged the popup to wherever the horse show was.
Acdii wrote:
My inlaws, best friend live in Marengo, and my wife works in Marengo.
OOOH Why not just add bunk beds to the HT and be done with it! LOL The only thing would be, where to put the crapper. :)
Oh man too early in the morning, not enough coffee, day off of work, 4 day weekend. Yeah, mind is racing on what to do and where to go. I have been getting some really good advice and so glad I found this forum before I jump in with both feet and get myself and the family in a jam we can't get out of.
I think the biggest issue I have is I don't want another large monthly payment, so looking at the lowest priced used that will fit us all, and frankly, that is what concerns me the most, when you buy used, you never know what you get because you don't know its history. I just can't see paying $20K+ for a box on wheels to sit behind the house 320 or more days a year. I found quite a few that are just right for my truck and our needs, but are in the teens, closer to 20, more than I am comfortable with.
But you know that saying, you get what you pay for, right? :)