Have a coworker that has one. Had several problems with it, but he still has the truck. I don’t know anything about his issues with it, just know that it’s been the the shop a few times. Jury is out for me personally on this truck. I would not purchase on but that’s me. I don’t care for the looks and I feel that other diesel variants offer so much more, whether large or smaller displacements. Given what is read about and low sales, it’s not a truck that I would even consider, but that’s me. I would wait and look at any of the new gas jobs in the new 3/4 ton trucks. Ford and GM have stepped up their game in this Dept and with the complexity of diesels I would stick with gas unless I had to go or just can’t live without a diesel truck. That’s my take, the mechanics issues with 5.0 Cummins reminded me some of Fords problems when they introduced the new back then 6.0 diesel. Not that it will be like that engine,but just knowing the dealers don’t know much how to fix the engines reminds me of how ford was for a few years. I’m sure the 5.0 Cummins is well above the Ford 6.0, if Nissan expects mechanics who deal with gas engines to magically work on this engine..... well that’s setting the stage for failure.