kknowlton wrote:
I think the popups priced themselves out of the market. They used to be perfect for young families on a tight budget and who didn't have a big tow vehicle.
Now they cost as much (or more) than some entry level travel trailers and hybrids.
I suspect this is a major reason for lower sales. I too have thought newer PUPs are awfully high-priced.
A quick search shows the non high wall PUP's are between 9K and 12K new (CA prices too). I do not agree with those who say the price is what moves people to a TT. I think it is more the "bigger is better" mentality or set up / tear down convenience that moves people to a TT. Now a high wall is another story but we shouldn't be comparing a top of the line HW to a bottom of the line TT.
I believe for the most part, if you are looking at high walls it's because you want a PUP and not a TT and are probably willing to pay for what you want, not just looking for a bargain...