Forum Discussion

bkenobi's avatar
Apr 07, 2017

Northern Lite basement storage bin

I've seen pictures of some Northern Lite and Bigfoot campers with a slide out storage tray in the basement. Since the compartment in my camper is 5' deep and 8" tall, it seems advantageous to have a way to put smaller items in the basement and still be able to get them out. From the looks of it, NL and BF may include the tray in some models as an option. My camper is a 2007 and I'm not the first owner so I don't know what would have been available but it's irrelevant now.

What do people use? I've found a few under bed storage bins that might work, but they are typically less than 40" long meaning they'd waste ~20" of space and/or be a 20" reach to retrieve. The basement is 24" wide, but having a tray 12-18" wide would be ok too so long handled tools could optionally be stored. Any thoughts?


This is the biggest under bed bin I've found.
  • My NL came with a pull out plastic tray in the right-hand side of the basement. It's just a foot or so shorter than the overall length of the basement section that it slides into. Assume it was a factory option since we bought the camper new. The possibly helpful info is that the tray is really two trays joined with some sort of plastic weld to make one long tray. I keep expecting it to break, but so far, so good. So, it might be possible to make a tray out of two shorter ones if the right sort of plastic could be found. Harbor Freight used to sell a "plastic welding kit" that I always wanted, but had no use for. Somewhere in here may be the answer to your problem. :-)
  • Go shopping at WalMart for the plastic tubs. Not the most effecient use of space but it works. Get a 1" x 2" board about 3ft long and screw a hook in the end. Use it to pull the trays out if needed. Put the least used stuff in the back.
  • Ours came with the tray and I use it the same way AnEv942 stated. I built a small tray out of 1/2 plywood for the left side.
  • If Norther Lite would provide you with the exact original measurements, that would be good.
  • NL was very responsive and let me know they don't have a tray for my camper. They could one off something for $1200 if I was interested though.

    I was thinking that something on the order of a taboggan or utility sled might work well.
  • Neither one of my NLs came with that pull out bin. I purcased several water proof storage bins at the Container Store. One has water supplies, one has sewer supplies, one has electrical and leveling supplies. I use the awning pole to push them in, or pull them out.

    Link to Bins
  • Trays are commercially available but can be upwards of a few hundred dollars.

    Might contact NL to see what, if anything, might be had.
    Ours is poly, simple open box, more like 6'-7' long. But the basement is a good foot deeper. I keep the box shoved forward (handle on rope) and store items in front that I can access without pulling tray. Given your size seems making one to fit doable. Smaller storage boxes could be tethered.
  • If it were me, I would get a sheet of plywood and build exactly what I needed.

    If wood isn't your thing, check around locally for a shop that specializes in sheet metal work. We have a guy here called "The Tin Man" that could whip up a beautiful steel or aluminum tray in an hour.
  • My steps look pretty much the same as the second picture. I have a removable step that has to come off to get into the basement.
  • Our 2017 has a storage space directly under the door but it is only as wide as the narrow tray. I use it for secondary,seldom-used items since the upper step needs to be removed to access it.