Ahh jeeze Turbo Jimmy! All that work and poof. We understand the pain there. We had a 95 Caddy Deville Concourse... g o r g e o u s! Rode like the land yacht it was and great gas mileage. I drove it through the mountains several times and that thing was a beast. Long story short... it met it's end in FL during a staged accident. Some moron in a pick up truck swooped in front of DH causing a rear end collision. We had just had the tranny rebuilt...new tires..etc. Insurance totalled it due to cost to repair and age. It was drivable...but needed a bit of work. After much hassle with the insurance company we got a check and a friend got it for salvage. It was parted out to other Caddy's on a waiting list. I guess it lives on.
FL is ground zero for staged accidents BTW.
We had a 2006 DTS..pale blue with the special paint that shimmers... loved, loved, loved that car. It, however.. was a bit of a drama queen. Every time DH got a bonus check that car just knew... and wanted it. Now. So the "ice queen" was sold. Still... there's just something about those Caddies.