jimh425 wrote:
I'd just look to see if has been maintained or not. Are there a lot of minor issues that haven't been taken care of or not. If there are a lot of small problems, there might be deeper concerns.
Totally agree. Look at the small things like the condition of the caulking, how clean it is inside and out and in the cubbies, does it look like it was in "good hands". These are usually prime indicators as to how much attention the owner has paid to things. Water is the enemy for houses and RV's so look for any signs of water leaks, damage or problems.
Also, we not only perform our visual, walk through/around inspection, but we try every appliance/system in the unit. This includes the electric jacks, ceiling fans, open/close every window and cupboard door, inspecting the fuse panel (main and electric jack), water heater, check all lights inside and out (including the clearance and stop/turn/running lights), open and close the awning etc.
My sweetie and I are a tag team when we buy stuff like this. We separate and when I'm inspecting all of the mechanical/maintenance related systems and items, she's trying everything from the microwave to the furnace. Usually when a seller sees the rigour we put into our inspection, then the "oh ... I should mention the xxx needs repair/doesn't work properly" statements start to come out.
We also ask "what problems and repairs have you had with this unit?". It never ceases to surprise me what people will tell us. Another question we ask is ... "what repairs do you anticipate this unit needing in the next year?. Again, you usually get some great insights. Ask how they "winterize the unit" if that applies in your area and finally, ask what they liked best about the unit ... and what they would change if they could about the unit.
Good luck ... know what you want ... be patient ... and be thorough. Good units are available at a fair value if you take your time, be smart about things and don't make an "emotional" decision.