DiskDoctr wrote:
Go into your RV search and buy adventure with this attitude and you'll avoid many of the pitfalls and gotchas that many have hard-earned.
Very true...Considering that this will be an expensive purchase, I want to make sure that I have my ducks in a row first...Reading here helps.
DiskDoctr wrote:
Just remember, dealers are salespeople, seldom campers, and almost never experts on campers or camping.
And salesmen are not very good at either keeping up with the information on the trailers they are selling, or, remembering what they said to someone the last time they came in...case in point...
The wife and I went to CW in Avondale Arizona to look at trailers. After walking around for an hour or so, going in and out of all the models in the style we were (and were not) interested in (God those 5th wheels are Huge! :E ), we felt that the Autumn Ridge 245DS was a good pick for the two of us. While we were not set on it (I wanted to do more research on the model) we did find a salesman to talk to about the brand.
In the discussion with him, he said that Coleman trailers were trash, they don't sell Jayco's because their craftsmanship has gone south, and that if it were him, he would get rid of the tires on the trailer we were looking at as soon as possible as they were "overseas junk"...We thanked him for his time and left.
Going back a few weeks later, we found and spoke to the same salesman about the trailer. I asked him about the tires, in that if we were to get the trailer, would they upgrade the tires to a better brand...He said, "Why change them? I would use the hell out of them." I then reminded him about what he told us previously. He looked at me like I had just grown a hand out of the middle of my forehead and said, "Huh, I don't remember that."
Rule of Travel trailer purchasing - "Get everything they tell you IN WRITING!
DiskDoctr wrote:
Not wanting you to be negative or cynical, but be forewarned and prepared. It will serve you well ;) Good luck!
Too late for the negative and cynical...I am retired military, it came with the job as a fringe benefit! ;)