lots of opinions out here so Ill throw mine in, well not realy an opinion, but with my old truck a 1999 f250 7.3 diesel I put a bypass filter on it and did an oil analisis program to determin how long my oil would last. it lasted
80000km/50000 miles before its base depleted to a point where I should change it. I settled on a change interval of 50000km which is 35k ish miles to give me a buffer. saying that a oil doesnt wear out unless it is overheater is just untrue. yes that will acellerat it, but the base is what wears out usaly long before the other properties of an oil and the more humid it is and the more stop and go trafich and short interval run times the faster it will wear out as it is what nutralizes the acidity that is creadted by the gunk your oil keeps in suspension and moisture to keep it basic. if you do oil analisis and you base is low you can just add more base. old truckers used to do this all the time with out knowing it by adding gallon of oil to there rig every week to top up the leaks. in a normal vehicle I always recomend that you go by the owners manual as they cannot deny use warenty if you do that so they must figure it is a reasonable interval. if you modify your filtration system you can go longer but you have to pay for oil programs to determan how far then you should do one every now and then to determin if you have any issues going on. my self I go by the ford factory oil minder but I use the extream duity oil.