Forum Discussion

harper223's avatar
Jun 03, 2013

Pickup shopping. 7,200 lb TT

Time to get another truck. Actually we haven't had the tundra since last year so we haven't been camping. Now I'm going to need the TT for Business purposes as well, along with fun. Going to be raking up the miles.

I've driven Toyota cats and tricks for twenty years, with virtually zero issues. I loved that tundra, but it was totaled, so here I am.
Tt:scaled at 7,200 lbs. Hitch weight of 812lbs. Length of 31feet. 2009 jayco eagle super light. 7,200 lbs is not super light, but ok.

Hensley hitch, so add some weight to the hitch.

I know a lot about Toyota, but I'm all ears. I've never pulled anything with more than a half ton.

Any suggestions?