Forum Discussion

TECMike's avatar
Nov 20, 2014

Pop-Off Valve Replacement

Any one replaced their pop-off valve on their water heater? Hoping there is a link somewhere. If not any "tips" from those owners who have replaced theirs? Thanks in advance!

  • Take it out by unscrewing. Take it to your local big box or plumbing supply store, buy a new one. Take it home and screw it in.
  • Fairly easy to do.
    Yes, just simply unscrew the old one. It may take a good size wrench to get it loose.
    You can get a replacement at most hardware stores. There should be a tag on your old one that shows the temperature and pressure spec.
    Get some Teflon tape for threads.
  • What the others have said......

    However, does it really replacement, or is it just dripping when the water is hot? If it is dripping, it could be a sign of a lack of airspace inside the water heater.
  • If no over temp or over pressure condition exists, a healthy TPO will not drip even if covered in water.
  • They are easy to replace as others have said.

    If it drips occasionally when first heating water, it is normal. An RV has a closed water system. When the water is heated, it expands and increases pressure in the system. A house normally has an open water system so the pressure does not build.
  • Easy to replace is relative........

    Old rusty will be hard to unscrew
    Access can be very tight due to location and exhaust venting in the way

    Camco makes a wrench for them

    The T&P valves are just like ones in home water heaters. Just need to get the correct size (Thread) Sensor probe sits in water.
    210*F/150# (Full pop open values)

    Weeping can be due to build up on valve disc/ close couple times with water on and cold. Stand back it will spray :B

    Weeping can also be due to loss of air pocket (designed into tank)
    As water heats it expands....air controls the increase in pressure due to expansion (air can be compress/water can't)
    So if air pocket is gone...water heats/expands....pressure increases...T&P will weep.
    Re-establish air pocket------weeping should stop
    Turn water T&P until water stops flowing...let T&P snap close.....turn on water/close faucet

    Simple thermal dynamics

  • Excellent illustration, Biscuit! Mine drips a little only when it is heated. Apparently from what is said above, it is supposed to do this.

    Many thanks for those above who provided this information. Saved me a lot of work.
