Forum Discussion

BruteForceNewYo's avatar
Mar 17, 2016

Propride 3P / Jayco Eagle

Hey folks. Wondering if anyone has a picture of a Propride 3P installed on a Jayco Eagle with the fiberglass propane cover installed. I am wondering if there is enough clearance.
  • Just as a follow-up for those reading this thread in the future, I spoke with Sean about the new Jayco TTs. He said that the standard distance for clearance from the center of the coupler is 28", give or take. I measured by clearance up ~18" with the cover popped open (how I use it for every trip), and noted that I only have ~26" of clearance. Sean stated that should not be an issue. I will report back once I have it installed in a couple weeks or so.

    Image 1 | Image 2 | Image 3
  • BFNY, did you end up getting the 3P? Did you use the Straptek jacks? I have a similar TT, and didn't think about clearance of the jacks.

    X, I assume with your TT you have the 1,400# bars? I couldn't find anything on the Lippert site that states capacity of the Straptek.
  • Thanks Xflyhighx Those look like they would work. do you have a pic of the system on your trailer?
  • I have the pp on a 338rets and they sent me jacks made by straptek and they work great. Just tell Sean that you heard about straptek.
  • If no luck with 3P. They sent me pic's of exactly what I have with 3P installed.