The quick answer is, yes. Home Depot will provide that equipment.
But the question comes, why would you want to do this? There are many issues in doing this and introducing issues into your on board water tanks. Once in, you will never get it out, other than changing out your tanks. By using conservative methods, like using water from streams, lakes, ponds and irrigation will provide many non potable needs, such as showers.
If you go this route be sure to look at the pumps to insure they are for potable use (stainless steel). Many of the cheaper pumps have grease and components that are not suitable for potoable use and sometimes carcineginic. Dedicate hoses for this use, as well as other equipment specifically for potable use. It can be done and I do this myself. But I don't put this water into my potable tank.
There are many on the counter water filters that provide good clean water from these sources available too. So pumping larger quantities, hauling pumps/hoses/connections is negated by just needing a bucket or pitcher.
Also, be aware of your surroundings for a possible dead moose upstream, yep I have found this, and the rights you might be stepping on and resulting in fines and arrest. Water theft is serious in the west where it is valued more than gold.
Living off the grid is a great thing and takes work and preparation. Good luck to you.