Then I would do as I do. Because hauling all the stuff you need to make it work, will take up space and then you need power to run it. Water Pumps take a lot of power, especially non RV pumps. They were not designed to be conservative with their amp use. Why should they? Right?
I would suggest you do as I have done, for 40+ years, buckets. There is a previous thread, but the pictures no longer are available as the host site shut down. But they are available in an upcoming article of mine in Truck Camping Magazine. But simply using two 5 gallon buckets and a pillowcase. Put the pillow case in one bucket. Dip the other bucket in the water source and pour in the pillow cased 5g bucket. Pull the pillow case out and reset in the now empty bucket and repeat process as many times as you wish. When done, turn the pillow case inside out and shake. Set out to dry and use the same side (seam side for me) for each time filtering. Funny to see the critters, like minnows/leaches caught by the pillow case filter!
You can purchase 2 solar shower bags, at Wal-Mart or Outdoor stores. Get a bucket, cut a hole the size of a bulkhead fitting (available at Hardware Stores). Take a hose, cut a section (female end) about 20 inches long. Screw it on the bucket that has water you just filtered with pillow cases. Drain content into Soar Bags to ½ full. (Full takes longer to heat) Fill up both bags. Set on lid or towel or something to keep from setting on the ground. Debris on the ground will eventually poke holes in these bags. Every once in a while shake the bags to help even out the cold and hot water. When warm, pour in the now empty bucket with the fitting.
Elevate bucket high enough to stand under it. I use a Tripod I carry with me. Or a tree branch or off your camper. Attach another 20 inch length of hose (female) to the bulkhead of the now filled heated water bucket. On the end of this additional length of hose a Flower Water Nozzle (available at Home Depot) to Shower with. Having a Petcock on the bulkhead to turn on and off the water is a benefit, as well as the nozzle.
Using the length of hose to fill the bags defeats the age old problem of filling these stupid Solar Bags and get water while on the road at filling stations and the like. My rule is always to have two uses for everything I carry on the road with me, or it does not go. The tripod? It helps gravity fill my Camper’s potable water tanks when I retrieve water for camp, on my motorcycle when I leave camp and pass by sources for potable water. Thus, I never need to move my TC. Also, the motorcycle has many uses too. Like my rule.
Have fun. Don’t see problems, see solutions!